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1. mal Multi Ramazan am Centro in Oberhausen

Ramadan-Veranstaltung in Oberhausen Centro, wird in diesem Jahr zum 1. mal ausgerichtet. Und es werden Hunderttausende von Menschen in ihrem Herzen eine magische Erregung und durchpulste sie ihr Herzschlag mit Freude und Glück erleben.

Anatolische Küche

Wir bieten unseren Gästen beim Event Multi Ramazan die reiche und einzigartige Küche der Türkei an, die sie so vermissen. An den 80 Ständen mit Essen und Desserts erwarten Sie Köstlichkeiten, die ihren Ursprung in den verschiedenen Städten der Türkei haben.

Was ist Ramadan

Im Osmanischen Reich zu Ramadan waren die Menschen stets bemüht, an den Fastentagen jede Menge Gäste mit Familie und Freunden zu bewirten. Wärend des Ramadan wurden die Türen stets offen gehalten; auf diese Weise konnte jeder Mensch, der bedürftig war, irgend wo in ein Haus hineinkommen, um am Essen

Multi Ramazan Event für Klein und Groß

Beim Multi Ramazan Event finden für Klein und Groß, für unsere Gäste jeder Altersgruppe verschiedene Veranstaltungen statt. Speziell unsere kleinen Gäste liegen uns am Herzen. Auf einer Fläche von 1000 m2 wird eine Kirmes und eine überdachte Spielfläche für Kinder aufgebaut.

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Easy to customize
Import with one click

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Our Skills & Expertise

What you’re good at

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Fashion 0

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Make Up 0

Get Inspired

A Trendy Quote

I am especially grateful that I have been able to keep my own style over the decades, in spite of the many changes that have taken place in the world of fashion and in its business. I love being a fashion designer.

-Valentino Garavani

Get Inspired

A Trendy Quote

Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only.

-Coco Chanel

Get Inspired

A Trendy Quote

I'm not really a fashion designer. I just love clothes. I've never been to design school. I can't sketch. I can't cut patterns and things. I can shorten things. I can make a dress out of a scarf. I've never been to design school.

-Kate Moss

Quotes & Testimonials

What they said

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tinci ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


"Unmatched Power."

Her ability to connect people, inspire audience and presentation skills are amazing and very creative.

- Jane Johnson


"Great design."

She's got a passion for the design, development and marketing of enterprise software, and is one of the "go to" people.

- Samantha Smith


"Easy to work with."

Her presentation skills are exemplary, as can be witnessed by her many successful marketing campaigns and products.

- Laura Ling


"Unmatched Power."

Her ability to connect people, inspire audience and presentation skills are amazing and very creative.

- Jane Johnson


"Great design."

She's got a passion for the design, development and marketing of enterprise software, and is one of the "go to" people.

- Samantha Smith


"Easy to work with."

Her presentation skills are exemplary, as can be witnessed by her many successful marketing campaigns and products.

- Laura Ling


"Unmatched Power."

Her ability to connect people, inspire audience and presentation skills are amazing and very creative.

- Jane Johnson


"Great design."

She's got a passion for the design, development and marketing of enterprise software, and is one of the "go to" people.

- Samantha Smith


"Easy to work with."

Her presentation skills are exemplary, as can be witnessed by her many successful marketing campaigns and products.

- Laura Ling


"Unmatched Power."

Her ability to connect people, inspire audience and presentation skills are amazing and very creative.

- Jane Johnson


"Great design."

She's got a passion for the design, development and marketing of enterprise software, and is one of the "go to" people.

- Samantha Smith


"Easy to work with."

Her presentation skills are exemplary, as can be witnessed by her many successful marketing campaigns and products.

- Laura Ling